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Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Secret of The Secret

Before I begin this post, I would like to suggest that anyone following our experiment buy the book or download the video of The Secret. No, I am not advertising, but as an author, I respect copyright. We will be mentioning things in this blog that are derived from someone else's work. That person should benefit from having provided the fodder. 'Nuff said.

I think the single most important principle of The Secret is what they are calling the 'law of attraction.' That is, if we are in a positive place and filled with positive energy, we will attract positive things to us.

The step that we as a group have discussed as being equally important is taking ACTION. Attract those positive possibilities to you with the positive energy your attitude will generate, and then take the steps necessary to make things happen.

How much can we control in our lives by adhering to these principles? That remains to be seen. I believe we will see good things come about in this month (and beyond.)

To be frank, we are all coming into this experiment coping with or rebounding from some astounding hurdles in our lives, including major surgery, marital disintegration, relocation (one coast to coast, one clandestine and another international), family illness, etc. When I say we are going to put The Secret to the test, I really mean To The Test!

In my mind, there is no sense waiting for 'the perfect time' to begin something like this. Life happens. There is always going to be something we can use to keep us from our goals. If we wait for those things to go away, we will never get there.

I'm a prime example. With four kids (five if you count my DH) a puppy and a writing career to manage, there is always something that goes awry. And with all those extra people in the mix (plus editor, agent, publicist, et al) how am I supposed to control my own destiny?

This is the challenge. According to the book, if I command the universe to make this happen, it will. Hey, universe, are you listening?

Stay tuned. This is going to get interesting.

1 comment:

Ginger Calem said...

Ah---there's nothing quite so fun as riding the wave of positive momentum. The hard part is catching the darn wave!

This is what I think is cool about our experiment. I believe each of us were aware of, and have practiced, at least some of the principals of The Secret. But, that momentum that Linda talked about LOVES company. It's contagious. There's nothing quite as motivating to me as knowing I'm not alone in trying to think positively and visualizing my desires and goals. The coolest thing is that each little triumph I make will be celebrated by the rest of these lovely women. I was pumped up over Nicole's success the first day. It added a spark to my own momentum.

I believe that as each of us experience positive increases the momentum of us as a whole. No one wants to miss the wave. I know I'm not going to miss it!